Want to know how to request JetBlue airlines a refund? Get all information from here.

Right from the cancelations to getting a refund, JetBlue Airlines have everything to serve you with. If due to some reason, your flight with JetBlue Airlines is canceled, you do not have to get worried about it. There are several ways which you can use to request your refund.

Your JetBlue refund request can be made easily by reaching the online website of the airlines and filling out the refund request form. You can follow the few steps that are mentioned below to complete your refund request.

How to request a refund online?

  •  Go to the official website of JetBlue Airlines and make your account login.
  • After that, you can reach the cancelation section and choose the flight you wish to cancel.
  • Keep this in mind, you can only request your refund after canceling that particular flight.
  • Now, click on the “Request Refund form” and fill it out by entering the ticket reference number along with the other contact details.
  • Also, you have to mention the reason for your refund.
  • After filling out the refund form, click on the “submit” option to get completed it.
  • Once your request will get processed, a confirmation mail or a message will soon get you notified with the registered phone number.

Request Refund over a call

  • Dial the customer care toll-free number of JetBlue.
  • Interact with an Executive.
  • Provide the details regarding your flight refund along with the contact information.
  • Mention the reason for your refund.
  • Get confirmation for the same.

How long does it take to refund?

For your JetBlue refund request, it takes around 7-8 business days to get transferred. The refund of the passengers will be transferred to the original mode of payment that you have made with JetBlue Airlines. Also, you can contact the customer care service of JetBlue for further assistance.

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